United Evangelical Mission (UEM)
The United Evangelical Mission (UEM) is an international and equitable communion with 39 members, including 38 Protestant churches in Africa, Asia, and Germany, plus the v. Bodelschwingh Foundations Bethel. The UEM is steadfast in its pursuit of a holistic understanding of mission.
Our Mission Statement
We live in a world torn apart. Some live in abundance, others have fewer rights and not enough to live on. People become isolated, relationships and community are lost, and the social and natural foundations of our lives are increasingly destroyed.
Knowing that we are all members of the body of Christ, we follow his example and invite people into a learning, serving and praying communion across continents and cultures. In following him, we work for a more just, peaceful world, the integrity of creation, and the sharing of the Gospel so that all people may enjoy life in abundance.
We translate this belief into our five areas of work: Advocacy, Diaconia, Development, Evangelism and Partnership.
How we do things is key
With our philosophy “Global Learning in Ecumenical Perspective” (GLEP) we consistently educate ourselves as an organization. How programs are organized and done speaks about their intentions and goals. Being global is our day-to-day practice. We learn by seeking ways to overcome global and local social, economic and cultural borders. We are learning together. Because we believe that we all belong together, we need a multitude of perspectives for all topics concerning the UEM.
The structure of UEM follows this philosophy: The 39 members send delegates to the General Assembly, meeting every four years. The General Assembly takes policy decisions and elects the council, UEM’s supervisory committee, where the three regions of Africa, Asia and Germany are equally represented. The council elects and oversees the Management Team that runs the day-to-day business and leads the coworkers. In our three offices in Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Pematang Siantar (Indonesia) and Wuppertal (Germany), the programs and projects are prepared that we implement together with our 39 members.
United Evangelical Mission (UEM)
Rudolfstr. 137
42285 Wuppertal
Tel.: +49 202 89 004-0
Fax: +49 202 89 004-179